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Learn Academies Trust

Learn Academies Trust

Husbands Bosworth CE Primary School Praised by Ofsted Inspectors

Husbands Bosworth CE Primary School is celebrating this week, after it was praised by Ofsted inspectors for the “effective action” it has taken to “maintain the standards identified at the previous inspection.”

Speaking of the outcome, Executive Heads, Alan Eathorne and Heather White, along with Head of School, Alison Vickers, commented: “We are delighted that the inspection team could see how our high standards for teaching, pupil wellbeing and overall development have been upheld since their last visit five years ago where we were graded as ‘good’. Every member of staff deserves praise and recognition for the part they play in enhancing our children’s lives. We not only believe in ensuring every pupil achieves highly academically and personally, and but we want to ensure they grow up feeling confident in themselves, are connected to their communities and are responsible citizens; all ready for their next step in life.”

The Ofsted inspection team visited the school in January and looked into various aspects of school life – from how the curriculum is built and delivered, to how well supported the children feel academically and emotionally.

The report highlighted the following:

· Pupils, staff and parents and carers all agree that this is a small school with a big family feel. Relationships are positive.

· Pupils are inclusive and eager to support one another. The school expects them to achieve highly, both academically and personally. Pupils do their best to live up to this.

· Pupils behave well. They are helped to understand their feelings and emotions. Poor behaviour is rare.

· Content is taught in a logical order and builds cumulatively over time. The curriculum takes good account of pupils’ ages and stages of learning.

· Early reading is taught well…pupils soon master phonics and go on to become fluent readers. Beyond phonics, pupils go on to develop a love of reading. They study a wide range of texts, authors and genres.

· Support for pupils’ wider development is a strength.

The senior leadership team went on to say: “We are incredibly proud of our school and being part of a cluster of small village schools that work so well to support each other, sharing knowledge and expertise at every opportunity. Alongside this, our children are a joy. Their curiosity, thirst for knowledge and commitment to learning, makes them a pleasure to teach. As we head into the next half term, with all the exciting events we have planned, both inside and out of the classroom, we do so with a spring in our step.”

For further information on the school or to read the full Ofsted report please visit